Well, I successfully (mostly) made it through January making a blog post every day. I missed one day due to some poor planning but I’m happy to say that it wasn’t any more than that! I have to say that I
Thanks for the reminder.
Lately I’ve been feeling a bit anxious about things that feel out of my control. Now I know that literally there is nothing actually in my control except me. The more enlightened part of me knows that. It also
The actual goal.
Recently I was at a Toastmasters meeting. We have a new location as of January 10, 2011. We are now located at a church that has a gymnasium next to our room. Last Monday there were a lot of shoe squeaking sounds coming
Where are you looking?
I’ve noticed lately when I walk I tend to look down. Obviously I look up when I come to an intersection or often enough so that I don’t get lost (much) but for the most part, I’m looking down just a
It's coming!
Today I noticed that it was still light outside at 6:00 pm. I always get so excited this time of year when the days are getting a little longer all the time. I love the cold weather but I'm not so fond of all the
The magic of music
I love music. I love listening to it, making it and dancing to it. My tastes run from one end of the spectrum to the other (except for non-melodic jazz). I can listen to Aerosmith on day and Josh Groban the next. I can