Clarity Comes Through Engagement
April 29, 2019
You will never know if something feels right or not until you actually change it.
It's Not About Intensity...
April 14, 2019
You can spend a day or a weekend clearing out the basement, but if you don't take daily, consistent action, you won't have a satisfying relationship with your stuff
When You are Full of Gratitude...
March 29, 2019
Take time every day to acknowledge what we appreciate about our lives.
One of the Most Liberating Things I Ever Did......
March 16, 2019
It helps make more informed decisions...that's freedom!
Even if You're on the Right Track
March 2, 2019
The secret to being successful in any endeavor is consistent forward progress that we feel good about.
Sometimes Not Doing Something...
February 21, 2019
This might surprise you, but I believe that procrastination has an important role in our lives.