When You Workout...
You can't fix a problem with the same thinking that created it. Recently I saw a video that offered up an interesting option for improving focus and concentration.
Where There's a Will...
How did you imagine you would feel when you were living your dream? If you choose to feel that way right now, there are many ways that the dream can come true.
You Don't Need More Space
The death cleaning process is an early gift to those you will leave behind. And let's face it, we'd all feel a lot better in the here and now if we had less clutter.
In the Middle of Every Difficulty...
National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day is this Saturday, April 28th!
Getting Organized...
Don't look at a cluttered space simply as a big mess that you have to deal with. Look at it as an opportunity to be kind to yourself and to give yourself the gift of space.
Plans are Nothing
One of the main reasons we lose track of a goal is because we keep it in our heads instead of writing it down. Once it's written down, it becomes one step closer to becoming real.