"The Key to Abundance is...
What is the first thing you think about when you hear the word 'abundance'?
Doubt Kills More Dreams...
Than Failure Ever Will..... Have you heard of the dream building acronym C.I.T.E.? Here's a summary of how to make a dream come true: C stands for Create a compelling vision I'm
Whatever choice you make makes you
Santa has his list of who is naughty and who is nice. Based on that information, people either get a gift or a lump of coal. Similarly, each of us has our own lists of who is naughty and who is nice.
The Eyes Should be looking...
So often we know where our heart is wanting to go but we have other plans, those things we think we have to get done.
Think Before You Buy
"You're casting a vote for the kind of world you want." -Anna Lappe It happens all the time. We go into a store, knowing exactly what we need to buy, and then, by the time we get back to the car,
Live Your Dreams
Everybody is afraid of something. Some people seem to have lots of fears and others seem to have none at all. But in my experience, no matter how together someone may appear, even he/she is afraid of something.