
Achieving Goals

July 1, 2018
Getting to the Top

While I was in Colorado on vacation, I was able to fulfill a goal that I've had for the past five years: getting to the top of The Incline!

It used to be a railroad that took a cog train to the top of the mountain.  Nowadays it's a challenging exercise opportunity.  The distance up is just under a mile BUT within that distance, it gains 2,000 feet in elevation.  It's one of the most challenging things I've ever done. I have been training for the last 6 months to get ready for it. It felt good to work consistently toward the realization of a big goal. It gave me a sense of anticipation leading up to it and such a sense of accomplishment when I was standing at the top of the mountain. Now I'm trying to figure out what my next big physical goal will be.  Maybe climbing to the top of Eagle's Peak! 
Here is the question:
What big goal have you been thinking about setting?  What do you need to finally start working towards it? 
Getting Started with The Mess Mender

Mess Mender Services & Pricing: 

The Preliminary Consultation (60-90 Minutes): We will tour your home and talk about what you would like to change and what you could do with your space that clutter is keeping you from accomplishing. After the tour, we will create a plan of action for transforming your space from overwhelming to outstanding$50.00/session

On-going Consulting: Designed to help you conquer your organizing challenges, our on-going sessions consist of coaching around organizing and my hands-on help with decluttering and removal of any items you decide to donate. Donating helps you see more progress right away and it prevents the donation items from becoming a new pile of clutter. $50.00/hour

*All clients receive a postcard after each session that summarizes the activity in that session and celebrates progress! 

Please contact me to set up your consultation at 513.305.0401 or You can also use the contact form to submit your request/inquiry.