As the Old Saying Goes...
December 6, 2017

...Use it or lose it.
I'm sure you've heard that phrase before. Traditionally it means: if you don't continue to practice or use an ability, you might lose that ability. (
Today I'd like to examine it from a slightly different perspective. We all have those products in our pantry, closet, medicine cabinet, even in storage that we bought, tried, didn't like and promptly forgot about. We found something that we liked better but never got around to getting rid of the original item. As you prepare for the holidays by cleaning the house for company and preparing food for entertaining, you'll probably come across some of these forgotten products. Take an extra moment or two to reacquaint yourself with them. Odds are, you'll remember why you stopped using them and be able to pitch them. If you find products that you never even opened, you can donate them. This type of clutter is less obvious than the kind that's out in the open, but it's clutter none the less. You'll feel great once you make a decision one way or another!
Here is the question:
Are you more likely to use something up even if you don't like it or simply throw it away? Whose permission do you feel you need to throw it away?