Beyond fear
When I find myself in the middle of what I conside a crisis, it's hard to believe that there can really be any other state of mind. It's like Woody from "Toy Story" says "This is the perfect time to panic!" I struggle with some health issues and I have to admit that in some ways I have lived in fear of my body for a long time. Lived in fear of new symptoms, new pains and what they might mean, the fear of where my health would be in another 10 or 20 years. I have been working on being more in the moment and loving my body exactly how it is, pain and all. I always heard that keeping a positive outlook about and acceptance of a situation were good for both body and soul but now I've actually experienced why they are.
At some point this week, I stopped being afraid of my body. I don't know exactly when it happened but it did. I am no longer just paying lip service to accepting and loving my body; I actually feel that way! I never would have believed that there was anything like this on the other side of my fear. I'm more relaxed and a lot less stressed, which will only serve to help me heal faster. I guess there is some truth to the idea that: I'll see it when I believe it. I intellectually know this stuff works and has worked for others, but it's always such a miracle when it works in my own life. I'm not sure why I feel exempt from the laws of the Universe, but sometimes I do. I mean, I know that gravity applies to me just like it does to everybody else since I'm not out floating around, so why not other laws?
I'm so grateful to be beyond my fear. Now I can work with my body and love it back to health instead of living in fear of it and seeing it as the enemy. Sometimes the most challenging of perspectives can lead to the most amazing of miracles.