Blog Entries - 2011
The actual goal.
Recently I was at a Toastmasters meeting. We have a new location as of January 10, 2011. We are now located at a church that has a gymnasium next to our room. Last Monday there were a lot of shoe squeaking sounds coming
Where are you looking?
I’ve noticed lately when I walk I tend to look down. Obviously I look up when I come to an intersection or often enough so that I don’t get lost (much) but for the most part, I’m looking down just a
It's coming!
Today I noticed that it was still light outside at 6:00 pm. I always get so excited this time of year when the days are getting a little longer all the time. I love the cold weather but I'm not so fond of all the
The magic of music
I love music. I love listening to it, making it and dancing to it. My tastes run from one end of the spectrum to the other (except for non-melodic jazz). I can listen to Aerosmith on day and Josh Groban the next. I can
Expectation vs. Reality
I heard a saying once that went something like this: Blessed are those with no expectations for they are never disappointed. I’ve always liked that saying and try to keep it in mind whenever things go other than
Most of us have been exposed to the idea that we create our own reality, that the choices we make give us the life we are currently living. That applies whether we’re happy or unhappy. It’s a bit of a hard