Blog Entries - 2013
The scariest post ever.....
October 3, 2013
Why is this post so scary? Because I am making public a long-held dream of mine and because I have finally decided to pursue fulfilling it. EEEEEEK!Back in high school, try outs were going on for the Theater department.
Discomfort has its advantages.
September 4, 2013
Whew! I finally made my way back to my blog! If it really were the thought that counted, I'd have been making posts like crazy! I'm happy to finally be back on the ball (literally!) and putting another post out there. I
Arctic time machine.
February 9, 2013
No, that's not the name of a new band, although it could be! It's an accurate description of a walk I took last week. It was 6:45 am on a Monday and I headed out on my daily walk. I was pleasantly surprised to see that