Not All Those Who Wander...
March 17, 2018
are lost." -J. R. R. Tolkien
Do you ever find yourself wandering around somewhere, a store or a park, and you're not exactly sure why? I once found myself wandering through my local library and a book called to me from the shelf. How could I resist a title like "The One Thing Holding You Back" by Raphael Cushnir? I've been looking for a long for the answer to that question. And now someone is telling me it's only ONE thing? I was pretty excited as I checked out the book. I have to say, it's quite the page turner and I wanted to share the crux of the biscuit with you. It actually shows up in the introduction and reads as follows:
"Whenever you're not willing to experience a particular emotion, your life is run by your resistance to that emotion. You make choices that are about avoiding the feeling, rather than serving your best interests. Emotional resistance, therefore, is the one thing holding you back."
Those few sentences continued to reverberate through me for hours after I read them. Maybe they ring true for you too or maybe they made no impression at all. But, unless you are living and/or pursuing exactly the life you want, there is something holding you back.
Here is the question:
What do you believe is the primary emotion you are resisting?