

January 3, 2011

It’s amazing how something that I didn’t even know existed yesterday can take me over. Let me explain. I got a pair of pants for Christmas from NY&C. Not a store I would usually shop in. To be honest, there is no clothing store that I frequent other than Good Will. So today when I walked in to see if they had a pair of the same pants in a different size, I was quite surprised to fall completely in love with a shirt. I was especially surprised because this was not a shirt that looks like anything else in my closet. I just couldn’t help myself. Of course, because it’s the end of one clothing season and nearing the beginning of another, the size selection was limited. And by limited I mean that they didn’t have mine. I knew there was another location not too far from where I lived so I set out to claim my prize. Well, it probably won’t surprise you to hear that the second location didn’t have my size either. Curses! Foiled again! By now, acquiring this shirt had become my holy grail. I asked them if they could call the third and final local location and verify if they had my size. Success!! I told them to put it on hold and I would be there in 30 minutes. I got there, tried it on and it fit perfectly! Hallelujah! At last my crazed mind could be at peace.

As my search evolved, it began to feel fun, like I was on some sort of adventure. I met some new people, discovered some new roads and learned that there are some really quick ways to get around town and some not so quick ones. My shirt is a trophy representing my persistence and single-minded focus on something. Now I just need to turn that focus onto getting a sauna for the house!