September 4, 2017

Only the First Step is Clear." -Kim Schon
Choosing to embark on something new; a relationship, job or business, is always at least a bit scary no matter how excited we are. There can be a lot of things we are unsure about. But there is usually at least one aspect of the adventure that we are sure about. Call it intuition or a gut instinct, but there is something about it that just feels right.
Unfortunately, it can be very easy to talk ourselves out of making the change because the fears speak louder than the certainty. Our ego thinks it is protecting us from something when all it's really doing is preventing us from growing. Nurture the kernel of knowing, believe that it will grow into something wonderful, even if you're not exactly sure what it is. Embrace the adventure!
Here is the question:
When was the last time you were absolutely sure about something? What happened next?