
Structure Doesn't Limit Us...

October 20, 2019
Structure Sets Us Free
...It Sets Us Free.         
When the same issue starts showing up with multiple clients, it seems like a good time to post a question about it because there are probably more people dealing with the same topic.  A common form of resistance that's showing up right now is that most of us would rather go out and do something fun rather than take time to sort papers or clear out a closet.  I get it!  I realize that most people don't consider sorting things into categories fun, but here's a new perspective on it.  A maintenance schedule or habit is a structure.  It can be easy to feel like a structure is more like a prison, limiting our freedom.  How can we be spontaneous if we're too structured with our time?  Believe it or not, a certain amount of structure can actually create MORE space in your life for fun! (and with less stress)
When you take the time to stay caught up on your tidying, you can easily say 'Yes' when fun opportunities come along.  Because there is not a huge pile of things you 'should' be doing at home, you can go out and enjoy a guilt-free evening.  We live in structures, we work in structures and we can get and stay organized within structures.  The key is to find the structure (maintenance schedule) that works best for you!
Here is the Question: 
In order to make more room for guilt-free fun, where would a maintenance schedule fit easily into your calendar?  
Structure Doesn't Limit Us...

Mess Mender Services

The Preliminary Consultation (60-90 Minutes): We will tour your home and talk about what you would like to change and what you could do with your space that clutter is keeping you from accomplishing. After the tour, we will create a plan of action for transforming your space from overwhelming to outstanding$50.00/session

On-going Consulting: Designed to help you conquer your organizing challenges, our on-going sessions consist of coaching around organizing and my hands-on help with decluttering and removal of any items you decide to donate. Donating helps you see more progress right away and it prevents the donation items from becoming a new pile of clutter. $50.00/hour

*All clients receive a postcard after each session that summarizes the activity in that session and celebrates progress! 

Please contact me to set up your consultation at 513.305.0401 or You can also use the contact form to submit your request/inquiry.