
That darn chicken and egg!

October 3, 2011

I was wondering something the other morning while I way lying in bed, trying to manifest a good attitude. Which comes first, the circumstance or the mood? Am I in a bad mood because of my current circumstances or has my bad mood drawn negative circumstances to me? It can be quite maddening sometimes! But I figured that the only thing that I can immediately affect is my mood. Did you know that your mood is a choice; that if you don’t like what you’re currently feeling, you can choose to shift your focus to some other aspect of life and thereby shift your mood as well? I know it may sound crazy but it’s true. If you are stuck in a funk, look at your thoughts and notice what sort of story you are telling yourself. The unattractive part of getting out of a funk is that in order to begin feeling better, you have to be willing to stop telling yourself that story. I’m always amazed at how attached I am to my stories! Which leads to a whole other chicken and egg situation: Living in my negative stories (which I love repeating to myself) produces negative feelings (which I don’t love). In order to get rid of the feelings, I have to also give up the stories. How am I supposed to be a victim if I don’t have any negative stories? Aaaah, but that’s a subject for another post entirely!

What negative stories are you repeating to yourself about yourself?

What sort of negative feelings or circumstances are those stories bringing into your life?

Are you ready for something different?