
Too busy fighting to eat?

September 5, 2011

Recently I was at a friend's house and got to watch the hummingbirds at her feeder. The feeder has four perches on it but that doesn't mean that I ever saw four hummingbirds feeding. It was amazing to see how infrequently any of then got any food at all. They spent all their time chasing each other away from the feeder. Even when one of them would land on a perch, he would spend his time looking furtively around, just waiting to catch sight of another hungry hummingbird, then he would take off after it. It got me to thinking about how much time and energy we spend defending ourselves (even if it's only against the voice in our head) instead of enjoying the bounty this world has to offer. If we weren't so worried about it being taken away, we would probably have a much better time in life.

I would rather spend my time serving up and enjoying great quantities of joy, with the faith that there is plenty more where that came from, than guarding the small bit that I have and making sure no one gets any of it. I'll take food over fighting every time!

Where in your life are you guarding what you have instead of enjoying what you have?