We Have the Power to Choose...
September 21, 2017

But No Power to Escape the Necessity of Choice." - Ayn Rand
The subject of choice shows up in these questions from time to time. There is always a new perspective to explore this topic from. The idea of how we make the choices we do came up recently. We all get to decide what parameters we want to use when making our choices. One of the filters I put my choices through is "How much will I regret not doing this?" Some of the other filters I've heard are: always choosing the most expensive option, always choosing the least expensive option or choosing the option that will cause the least amount of conflict. The variety of filters is endless and we may not be aware of them but if you take some time to think about it, you'll be able to identify yours.
Here is the question:
What filter(s) do you use when making your choices?