Well it's about time!

Boy, if I thought 4 months was a long time to go between posts, I think this is setting a new record! There has been a lot going on since February. The Shimmy Mob flash mob happened on May 10th and even though it wasn't exactly what I thought it was going to be, I met some great women, learned a lot about the subject of belly dancing and learned some actual belly dancing moves. I am still on the lookout for another flash mob to be a part of now that I've gotten my feet wet. Here are a few pics to prove that I actually went through with it.
I'm still thinking about how acting will show up in my life. I recently saw a theatre marquee that said "Acting Lessons Available". I'm well aware that seed is quietly sending out shoots and that it will one day germinate. I find that my biggest obstacle right now is that in order to make time for that new pursuit I will have to remove something else from my life. Therein lies the rub. What am I willing to say good bye to in order to say hello to acting.